Which social media platforms influence online shopping?

Case study

Which social media platforms influence online shopping?

the dataset / the question

I am working with a dataset that can be found here. It is about influencers and thoughts about their practices.

I will try to answer in two questions:

           1.   Which platform is the most influencing on online shopping?

          2.      How does the financial background affects the platform they are influenced by?

Team meeting


First, I download the file as a csv and then upload it as “data” to Rstudio.

Then, I install and load the packages tidyverse and mosaic.

I am creating two data frames out of the existing one to address my questions:

  • data_platform <- filter(data, Question == "What social media platform has influenced your online shopping most?")

  • data_income <- filter(data, Segment.Description == “your parents make? Upper class (> $240K)" | Segment.Description == "your parents make? Upper-middle class (~$160K" | Segment.Description == "your parents make? Middle / lower-middle class (~$90K)" | Segment.Description == "your parents make? Poor (< ~$50K) 😁")

I inspect my data to ensure there are no missing values, spelling mistakes etc.

Hero section image


I analyse the data frame data_platform first to find out which platform influence online shopping the most.

  • data_platform %>% group_by(Answer) %>% summarize(sum(Perccentage)/251)

A table apears. The most popular answer is “None” with 43.9%, “Instagram” with 29.1%, “Facebook” with 17.1%, “Twitter” with 6.5% and “Snapchat” with 3.4%

  • income <- data_income %>% filter(Question == "What social platform has influenced your online shopping most?") %>% group_by(Segment.Description)
  • ggplot(data=income, aes(x = Answer, y = Percentage, color = Segment.Description)) + geom_point()

A graph apears. We can see that the most popular answer in all categories in None. But Facebook is most preferred by Upper class, Instagram is preferred by Lower class and less often Snapchat is preferred by  Poor  and Twitter is preferred by Lower middle class. Also, more upper class people responded None than lower class.

Hero section image


  • In general, the most influential platform is Instagram followed by Facebook.
  • Wealthier people prefer Facebook and Lower class prefers Instagram. Upper class choses more to not be influenced by any platform.